The most costly thing that I need to remember is to check the work before I print it, today alone I managed to spend a staggering £1.68 on printer credits alone. I know it doesn't seem that bad but on hand in day it could prove to be a problem, especially if I have no change...
Wednesday went well with a lecture from John about blogging, which in my opinion was helpful, having played with it for a couple of weeks I think i'm starting to grasp the concept, bearing in mind the do's and don'ts of blogging. Apart from this I do believe my blog is improving and you will notice all the new links to the right.
Later in the day we had a visit from Diane but this time she spoke to the people she missed and I was quite happy when she found only 1 mistake in my project where other people were getting a bit of a grilling. The only mistake I found was that I had some references did not match up.
The feedback from the tutorial was helpful mainly telling me that my pages weren't in the correct order (thanks Steve for putting me right) and that is now sorted. Thinks to do now are: - Evaluation, CD design, burn the CD, and decorate the spine of the my folder.

In this tutorial I also found out that our lecturer is a Marvel fan too, and this has inspired me further as he asked me if I ever drew any of the characters or art. I have a book called "How to draw comics the Marvel way" but I haven't particularly done any drawing but I think now that is certainly something to look into as this is a big passion of mine and in the end a personal goal to actually work for Marvel (even if it is making cups of tea!).
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