Over the holidays I picked up a copy of Photoshop and decided to hunt down some tutorials. Having looked around I found the best to be on http://www.tutorialized.com and here are some of the results. The first was meant to be done with a fairground image but all I had was a Lego Spiderman. This gives me a spacey kind of feel or a fairground feel.

Third image is a planet taken from a flat texture to a glowing planet, I attempted to shadow out the bottom segment of the planet to make it look like the sun is shining from the other side.
The last image I created was text with a glass effect and I think this was one of the better ones that I did.
From starting out at knowing very little about Photoshop I think I have progressed a little and know more about the software and a few of it's capabilities. Hopefully the only way is up from here and I hope to complete some more tutorials as this is the best way to learn software.
Good to see you are starting to use Photoshop more, Chris. You'll soon start to realise how good the program is.
You may want to try looking at this chrome text tutorial (http://www.idigitalemotion.com/tutorials/chrome.html) which is quite cool, and I found this Spiderman one which I think you will like (http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Spiderman-out-of-bounds/14192)
You may want to try buying a magazine like Photoshop Creative, as its full of interesting things you can do with Photoshop. Also, try Photoshop Image Ready CS2, which allows you to make roll over buttons etc.
That URL again as it seems to have cut it off.
I have a few magazines at home but they seemed a little hard but now I know a bit of what I'm doing they do seem easier.
As for the Spider-man tutorial looks really complicated but will give it a go. Hopefully I will get better though with a lot of practice as I don't think I've actually closed PhotoShop this holiday (apart from the time I've been playing with my remote controlled car I got for christmas lol)
To say you've gone from never using Photoshop to producing those images is a noticeable improvement. I'm glad you've been messing about with it over Christmas because like Julian says:
It's "good".
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