These colours can be seen everywhere in nature green grass and blue skies. Green trees still blue water.
I can't think of single more successful or more seen colour scheme and works well anywhere. Blue for example is the colour of trust and honesty and green is the colour of rest and relaxation. So together your viewers can have a calm and relaxing experience and can be safe in the knowledge that they are viewing a safe and trustworthy website.
On a final note one Marvel-ous example of this colour scheme would be the powerhouse that is the Hulk, often seen wearing blue shorts on top of his green skin. So this is my favourite colour scheme and quite possibly the best one to use.
(Image from Windows XP)
You couldn't resist a Marvel reference could you Chris.
I too chose blue and green and discussed the comparison to nature. I must admit I didn't think about the meanings of the colours though I think them giving a natural look to a site or design can be very important (environmental sites come to my mind first of all)
It was actually a last minute thought as I was writing it. I looked on my shelf and there he was in all his blue and green-ness.
I really like this colour scheme and I think it gives off a natural but safe feel to a website.
Blue is obviously a favourite colour of mine and I like green as well.
And believe it or not so far he is the only Marvel character in this colour scheme that I can think of.
It's very interesting to see what colours big computer manufacturers have chosen to use. Windows has used maily primary colours and even in the standard desktop wallpapers, very bright colours are predominantly used. Green and Blue, two very relaxing colours, which makes sense really seen as the people using the software will often be looking at it for a very long time.
Mac on the other hand has chosen to use white mainly. A very simple colour but at the same time signifying elegance and exclusivity.
Obviously i think they probbably spent millions just on research for the right colours, but its amazing how much you can pick up just by really quickly "googling" the chosen colours.
I think most of the comments this week will all be along the lines of "good colour choice, very nice", but i genuinly like blue and green, if used in the correct way they can often produce simply spectacular pieces of design, but sometimes people use them and create awful design. I suppose its like that with all colours, if used in the correct way any colour will work with the other.
Yeah, I like blue and green too. There's a certain charm about the colour scheme.
Maybe it's because it's such a popular combination, or the fact that green is the colour of grass and blue is the colour of the sky. It's quite a popular colour choice when you see quite traditional paintings of landscapes.
Like Mirhad, I genuinely like this colour scheme too.
I think that this colour combination would be really effective in some instances. The first thing I think when I see the combination is nature/landscapes so would really work for designing for these areas.
I haven't thought about using this combination before but it something I would definitely consider using in the future.
Choosing the correct colour scheme for me is the hardest part of creating a web design. It's not often I create something that has a professional look. After the work I've done on the course so far I would definitely say that the less colour you use the better the site will look, but there's also that border of not using enough colour.
Looking through all this week's blogs I can see some great colour schemes. I also see some that I would personally not choose basically because I dislike a particular colour.
This is not how I should approach choosing a colour though, and I should definitely test out some of these colour schemes in my own work.
I too find it difficult selecting colour schemes for a web project and sometimes I think it is just trial and error.
I tend to use a bit of blue though and white.
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