Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Screen Design for Portfolio

Here is my 1st version of my Portfolio website. Please click the link to view the PDF. Portfolio Screen design link

I have decided to go mininmalistic with my design as I intend for the work to speak for itself. I have not added all of the measurements yet if you wish to see them I will add the second PDF soon.

Any feedback will be gratefully accepted. Thanks in advance.


Craig Burgess said...

First thing I noticed was the lack of a logo. I think if you're going for a minimalistic design there must be a strong logo in there, and I don't think putting your domain name there suffices. Even just writing your name would be better in a nice font. Think about adding quite a colourful header too to make it a bit more visually interesting.

I think you need to either centre your navigation bar or make the text bigger to make it flush to the section. At the moment it sits wrong because the rest of your main content is centred.

I don't really like the shadows underneath the screenshots, and I think a subtle border would look a lot better. Also, I think the thumbnails should be a bit more visually intriguing instead of just browser shots.

Finally, I think you could get rid of the text on the homepage where it says 'created with', and add three more screenshots to put more work on there.

It's good that you've chosen not to add any fluffy text to your homepage such as 'welcome to my site' text, so it allows people to see the work straight away.

Chris Towell said...

Thanks for the feedback Craig. It is going to be a minimalistic design so a logo is needed to start with.

For the links I tried to keep them in line with the header so if they aren't centred its just inDesign. Erm Centred text? Im a bit confused about that.

I think a border would have been better around the images, looking at it now I do think the drop shadow isn't necessary.

Craig Burgess said...

The centred comment about your navigation is about the fact that it is aligned left when the rest of your main content is centred, so your navigation sits wrong.

If you want to go for the left aligned navigation you need to make it smaller so it is obvious it is left aligned. Currently it isn't far off being centred which makes it look odd.

DREW said...

I think that your design is good, I understand what Craig is saying about the centering. I couldn't find that option in indesign myself so I ended up doing it by eye for my links.

I think you would benefit from adding one colour to your design just to spice it up. I think its fine to do a simple design and let your working speak for itself but I think a splash of hot pink would make it look good.

Scott Dunwoodie said...

engage123I agree with Drew that your design could do with a touch of colour. There is no need to go overboard but I think it will lift the design up a bit, it will show prospective clients / employers that you have "colour confidence".

I also agree Craig that omitting the "created with" text would be beneficial, maybe you could list the software/skills used on a different page ?

Julian Dyer said...

I think the content in the page looks too cramped. Also, how will the navigation signal the active page?

I think the design looks a bit like a word document at the moment - it needs to be be more graphical, either by using typography or images.

If you want to be a designer rather than programmer, it will need to look more... designed.

Marc Pugh said...

If this is the home page how would you revisit this page? There is no link to it unless its the "about me" page, but this page clearly doesn't state anything about you. I think you will need a link adding to this page.

A hint of colour would be nice, although the images on the page do help with this. I'd go with a light blue.
I'm not too sure about a 3 column layout. I would personally go with a 2 column layout so the images can be bigger. If you are going to use 3 columns then I think the third one should contain several thumbnails of your work so the viewer can quickly navigate to anything that takes thier fancy.

It also improves the limit of just having your 3 sites on show.

There's no need for the drop shadows either, and the links could do with centering. They have bad alignment with the rest of the site.

Something a bit more than just Chris Towells Portfolio could be placed. You could have an image? A Logo? Or even different spacing and colours for your name.

Their seems to be a lot of white space at the bottom of the page. Maybe a 2 column layout with bigger pictures would solve this? Or you could alsways add more images and text under the ones you've already got.

I don't think its neccesary to have the at the end of your name. The viewer already knows they are on your page.