Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hi My Name's Colonel Fury and I'm A Plant

Team work is an effective way of getting tasks done and this Blog is a 'themed' blog stating which role I would take upon in a group. (According to website).

In effect I think I have several qualities that span across a few of the roles but I am most likely to be a Plant. This is probably because I can be creative and imaginitive, if not a little too imaginitive, but there are times when I have been known to "communicate ineffectively". However I do think that I could be an Implementer because I can turn ideas into practical actions.

Another category which I think I could partly fall into is a Specialist because I can be dedicated and I can provide knowledge and skills, but I do not think that I "contribute only on a narrow front".

I have had experience of working in a team and some of these times worked out good, but I have been known to let my concentration slip whilst working with friends. I do not see this as a weakness but that a little extra guidance could have been injected into our team. I find working in a team is a good way of getting people closer together and when work is split between people the workload gets done faster.

In future assignments I have been told that there will be team work in this part I have been asked who, or what type of people, I would like to work with. At the moment I feel that there would need to be a co-ordinator as I can get distracted. I think the final members would be 'Plants' and 'Specialists' as these look like they are effective team members (I would be a plant-specialist).

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