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A Lion, A Witch & A Powder Blue Samurai
I'll start with Thursday and it appears that I have my wires crossed with what a 'Task Bomb' is. Thursday was actually a really good and productive day. The first 'Bomb' was 20 minutes long and we had to replicate a page design, using page elements about the Jazz player Jonathan Gee. I was pleased to finish this on time but then it turned out that this was just a test, and the real one was issued straight after. Using the same elements we had to construct the page again but we had to design it ourselves.
In the afternoon I was hoping to be doing more presentation work but we were hit by another 'Bomb'. We were to create a label for an Oriental paint tube which I really enjoyed and it allowed me to get creative although a bit limited as it was only a typographical solution but seeing the size I don't think that much coyuld have been done. I selected the rather oriental powder blue colour and wanted to end with a label like this but apparently the colour would bleed.
Back to wednesday now and a rather long day it was as I live light years away from college I have to be up at 5:45am and get to wakefield at 8:00am but yesterday we went to London for the day to go to the Tate Modern museum. Unfortunately all we got to see was a few slides, as in theones you slide down. It was a bit of let down but it didn't stop us having a good time sponging in all of the art around us ending up in a brightly lit famous square having photos taken with the local wildlife to which I fell off and hurt my ankle, twice.
Whats that about learning from your mistakes?? They day wasn't lost though for if anything the group managed to gel together even more and I had a really good time.
I like the way that you 'sponged' everything in when you were in London.
Maybe we could wring it out of him.
Badum tish.
Ha ha ha...
I'm guessing this is one of the less productive feedback posts...
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