Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The Interactive Media Portfolio will use a wide range of technology to a) create it and b) to view it. In this post I will discuss which ones will be used and where.
  1. XHTML 1.0 Strict
  2. CSS 1
  3. POP3/Email Link
  4. PHP 5
  5. MySQL 5
XHTML 1.0 Strict
I have chosen to aim for XHTML 1.0 Strict as this will allow the majority of my Target Audience to view the Portfolio that I am to create. I have chosen to complete it in 1.0 Strict as this is one of the highest validation rules and therefore should be accessible to all users.

This website will be created in CSS to manage the presentational side of the Portfolio. Making the code separate to the content may allow higher search engine results, and is common practice in the design world. Using CSS will also make the Portfolio site easier to update.

POP3/Email Link
On the Portfolio I will add a contact email address so users can contact me. This will be in the form of an email address and an email form as some users cannot access the mailto link.

I will be using PHP 5 to make a simple feedback form and a section where I can view the feedback. PHP will also be used to make a simple Email Form as well in case a user can not access the mailto link.

MySQL will be used to handle the data sent from the Feedback forms and the Emails that are sent. It will handle information stored in the database and display it on th e website.


Craig Burgess said...

Just thought I'd clarify your comment about XHTML 1.0 Strict being the highest to validate to: it isn't.

There's XHTML 1.1 too.

Chris Towell said...

I wasn't aware, it seems that Dreamweaver lies a lot more than we thought it did. I only saw XHTML 1.0 Strict and assumed that this was the highest to validate to.

Thanks for letting me know post has been changed.

DREW said...

I like the way you have written this, if a novice were to read it I think that they would still have a good understanding of your intentions even if they didn't understand the terminology.

Re Craigs point, I didn't know that either. Mental note made.

Julian Dyer said...

Are you only going to use CSS1? I thought that CSS 2.1 would have been more appropriate.

You may have to look into how widely supported XHTML 1.1 is, if you use it as Craig implies. I think that there is not a huge difference between the two, you may even be able to convert one to the other with a bit of work if you re-evaluate it in the production of the site.